Historically, the ‘first illegal immigrants’ to the Americas, came from Europe

31 Jul

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First illegal immigrants came from Europe

In the past the “empire building scheme” of European nations (later the United States of America joined in the scheme); is the primary reason why they now have an immigration problem.

They subjugated and financially robbed many nations across the globe.

Many of the countries of the Native peoples of the Earth were colonised by Europeans.

Countries in Africa, Asia, Islands in the Pacific, and the Americas were taken over by Europe; and later the United States of America.

The Caucasian Christians of Europe believe in a ” Divine Manifest Destiny.”

They believe that their fabricated Caucasian god and his son, had given them the right to own the Earth.

The Caucasian race, saw themselves as the only civilised race in the world.

All other races to them were ‘sub-humans‘.

fake jesus and fake god I

The World's Plunderers

1885 — Original caption: The World’s Plunderers. “It’s English you know.” Thomas Nast, 1885. — Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

If they went to a country,or continent, where no Europeans had been before; they claim that they were the ‘discoverers‘ of that place.

It didn’t matter if other people had been living in these lands for centuries.

If the people living there were not Caucasians; then those countries were up for grabs to the first Caucasians who went there.

The Native people of those lands, were expendable.

Their lives were not important because they were not Caucasians.

In the eyes of the Europeans; the Native people were not important; they were considered savages.

The people of those countries were robbed of everything valuable to the European ‘conquers‘.

They were also robbed of their self-worth as Human Beings.

The were belitted and made to believe, that their race; culture; and religious beliefs, were worthless.

murderous idol worshipping pagans from Europe

They were also robbed of the natural resources of their lands.


No financial compensation was given to them for it; except as cheap labourers.

Cheap labourers, working to extract the natural resources of their lands; to be sent to Europe or the United States of America.

the white mans burden-_judge_1899

The Christian and Jewish Caucasians from Europe and the USA; believed they were civilising the savages of Japan; Africa; China;  Australia, the Philippines; India etc. etc.

Because the Caucasian race alone, had been given the burden, by their Caucasian god to rule those nations.

In many cases the language of the Native people was replace with the language of their conquerors.

The Natives then began speaking Spanish, Portuguese, English, French, German, Dutch etc. instead of their own language

They also brain-clogged the “Natives” into believing in the superiority of the European (Caucasian) people.

This was done by giving the Natives (and those who became slaves) a religion that taught, that The Lord-Creator of the Heavens and Earth was an old Caucasian man; who had a Caucasian son, who came to Earth and lived among men.

This came of old mythological pagan beliefs from Greece and Rome; where their gods lived in the sky.

These gods would come down to Earth periodically; and had sex with Earth women.

These women sometime became pregnant and produced half-god children.

These mythological stories are the same as the Christian story of Mary the mother of Jesus.Mythological gods' image

Caucasian god and his Caucasian son.


This religion of Christianity in many cases were forced on the natives.

A religion that taught them that the people of Europe (Caucasians) were a special race in the eyes of The Creator.

This was a psychological scheme to make the Native people believe that Caucasians were members of a divine race.

And if they wanted to please The Creator, then they should be subservient and obey all Caucasians.

They were taught through Christianity to love Europe and Europeans more than anything else in this life.

They were taught to love and have faith in the intellectual and spiritual superiority of Caucasians over their own race.

They were also fooled into believeing that Caucasians were more beautiful than the members of their own race.

They were also taught to idolise the countries were their colonisers came from.

They were taught that the ‘mother country;’ whether it was Spain, Portugal, England, France, Holland, Germany, Italy etc, was the greatest country on Earth.


In the Americas the majority of the Native Americans rejected Christianity.

They rejected the idea of worshiping “The Great Spirit” in the image of a Caucasian man.

They knew that if they accepted that the ‘Great Spirit’ is a Caucasian man; then they would have to accept that Caucasians were superior to them.

So many Native Americans, refused to accept Christianity.

And because of their rejection; they had to be eliminated or totally subjugated.

Onward Caucasian christian murderers

The Native Americans of the entire continent of the Americas; are still suffering today.

lkj Native American genocide

Many of the immigrants coming to the United States of America from Mexico, Central and South America are Native Americans.

They may have Spanish names and speak Spanish; but their physical features shows clearly that they are Native Americans.

Native Americans from the south of the border

Europeans are the ones who started labelling them as “hispanics.”

They are not Hispanics, but Native Americans.

And the population of Native Americans on this continent; is more than the population of people of Caucasian or African ancestry. 

The Native Americans from the bottom of South America; all the way up to Alaska must UNITE

Map of the Americas

Their ancestors had travelled back and forth trading with the various tribes North and South; before Europeans came to the Americas.

They are following ancestral tradition, by coming to what is now the USA for economic reasons 🙂

Part of USA was once Mexico

What is not taught in North American schools, is the reason why former Mexican residents (Comanche; Apaches; Navajo; Sioux etc.) were fighting against the United States of America’s (USA) government.

After the USA took Mexico’s lands (Nevada; Texas; New Mexico; California etc); they tried to take the Native’s lands by force.

The Mexican government, had not tried to impose their will on the Native Americans living in Mexican territories.

They conducted business (including Buffalo skin) with many of the tribes.

When the USA stole the lands that were part of Mexico; they tried to impose rules on the Native Americans living there.

In a sense the Native American tribes became the last Mexican residents; who tried to keep their lands free from being controlled by the USA.

That is why many times, they killed people trying to establish homesteads on their lands. 

Native Americans fighting back Sioux kills racist George A. Custer 






Many of the native people around the world, who accepted this Christian Caucasian religion; developed a strong desire to one day visit the mother country.

When many of those countries were freed from their colonial masters by becoming independent; nothing really changed.

Independence came, the colonial flags were replace, a new National Anthem was created; but in reality nothing had changed financially. 

Their leaders (many of whom had been educated in Europe or the USA); carried on the same financial program put in place by the former European colonial masters.

The wealth of those countries were still going to the same European nations, as it had before.

The people experienced a worse financial crisis after independence.

Now the “natives” in those lands believe that their lives would be better financially if only they can get to the ‘mother country.’

Now, every country on this Earth, where the majority of the inhabitants are Caucasians; have a problem with Immigrants.

The people from their former colonies believe their lives will be much better; if they lived in the mother country.

Windrush immigrats

People are not just coming from their former colonies; but also from other economically troubled countries.

African migrants

The wealth that these European countries and America have accumulated through exploitation of the natural resources of poor countries and through enslavement of Africans; have made them a Mecca for all people world-wide.

Also the turmoil that the foreign policy of America and some of those European countries; have created military conflict in many countries.


Those wars have caused major problems with the mass movement of people fleeing war zones.

People fleeting to those European countries; are a divine retribution; for what those European countries have been doing for the past centuries.

In a sense this is The Creator’s justice.

Their country and people were robbed by those European nations; and now they are coming to the mother countries for economic relief.

Wars and military conflicts in the so-called Middle East, North Africa; instigated by Europe and America; so why shouldn’t the refugees from those war-torn countries go to Europe and America.

The majority of people would prefer to stay in their own countries. But because of exploitation and military conflicts, instigated by European and American powers; makes that impossible.

Divine Retribution is a hell of a thing.

This comment I took from a Facebook post by Fernando Chavarria to the meme below of the original land mass of Mexico before it was stolen by the USA.

Thank you for posting this vitally important yet purposely overlooked bit of history, Sir.

Helps reminds us all that Mexicans didn’t cross the border, the border, in fact, crossed Mexicans.

And thank you for gently reminding us that the “Mexican” (and other brown people up and down this continent) are, in fact, the offspring of the European colonizer, of the European master, and the indigenous folk who were native to this land centuries and millennia before the US was even a germ of concept.

That the indigenous people of this land were, in fact, stripped of their identity, their religion and their clans, and the land was divided, stripped of its riches and resources to fund kingdoms and empires, not unlike what happened in  Africa at the hands of Portugal, France, etc. in this case, it was Spain.

“Mexicans” as we are we are often derisively labeled are neither “foreign,” nor “immigrants,” nor “ illegal,” nor “illegal immigrant criminals.”

We are indigenous, native, born of this land.

To call a Mexican, or another Native Latino, an alien in the Americans; is akin and as insulting and hurtful as calling an African an alien in (their homeland of) Africa. 

Mexican Wall

13901557_811085015692787_1369325572527850096_n #1 a 1924 photo of Native Americans

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,mt rush  natives-died-because-of-crossentrada-universitaria-2013-4





,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;LKJ trump on immigrants


south-american-people Uncle tom Cuban immigrants

Windrush ship and later shame on the British governmentREAD ALSO: 

Windrush: Archived documents shows long history of betrayal





get up

Read the auto-biography of my first 13 years living in Cleveland, Ohio after leaving Jamaica. Then I served over 23 years in the United States Air Force.Old Confessions cover

This is a review of this book by a customer on Amazon UK:

“I thought this was a very good book. It is about a Jamaican who went to the USA, when he was 12 years old.

The books is about his experience of low-self esteem, and feelings of inferiority; from being in a country where the majority of people were Caucasians.

It tells about him joining the Nation of Islam, under the leadership of the Honourable Elijah Muhammad, 5 years after leaving Jamaica.

Then how he came to realise that what he was taught in the Nation of Islam; was not true Islam.

My wife also though it was a good book. However she said that the author should not have gone into so much intimate details, about his sexual encounters.”



