*ISIL (ISIS) was created to murder and terrorise Shiites in Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Yemen

8 Jun
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The terrorist group called ISIL which means Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant or ISIS which means the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

ISIL or ISIS is not about the religion of Al-Islam.


Just like the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was not about true Christianity.

kkk church

ISIL or ISIS is a so-called Sunni group, that was created with the sole purpose of terrorising and killing Muslims (mainly Shiites), who didn’t practise Islam, in the same way that Sunni Muslims do.

Also to force any non Muslims living in those Muslim populated countries into accepting Islam.

If you don’t follow and adhere to the fanatical concepts that they have about Al-Islam; then, you are their enemy.

ISIL (ISIS) was formed by certain individuals in Saudi Arabia, Israel and some elements within the Intelligence Services of certain European countries and the CIA.

The main aim of these individuals, is the preparation for a future attack on Iran.


In order to attack Iran; they must first isolate it.

They must neutralize the leadership of all the countries where Iran has alliance and strong support.

Countries like Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and also Yemen after the Houthis took control. 

So ISIL was formed to destabilize these Shiite majority countries.

ISIL believe that one Sunni Muslim leader, called the Khalifa; should be the leader of all the one billion plus, Muslims all over the Earth.

The Saudis have the same belief.

The Saudis believe that their understanding of the religion of Islam (Wahhabism) should be followed by every Muslim in the world.

The Saudis for over 30 years (ever since the Shah of Iran was toppled) have been using their wealth to influence Muslims communities all over the world, into adopting their view of Islam.

Many Muslims leaders in poor countries; have been bribed into accepting the Saudis views of Al-Islam.

The Saudis have been publishing books in different languages that demonise Iran and all Shiite Muslims.

That is why we see Shiite Muslims in Iraq, Pakistan, India and Africa being murdered by so-called Sunni Muslims.


The Saudis and ISIL believes that this single Islamic ruler, the Khalifa; will then instruct the Muslims all over the world; on what they can or can’t do, in the countries where they live.

If any Muslims refuse to submit to the fanatical authority of this Khalifa; then, the his followers believe that they have been given the authority by The Creator to kill the rejectors.

That is why the Saudis consider it their right to murder anyone who disagrees with them.

That is why Jamal Khashoggi was brutally slaughtered.


None of this fanatical teachings can be found in the Holy Qur’an.

In fact the Qur’an reject this kind of fanatical behaviour in Human Beings.

ISIL (ISIS) and their fanatical supporters in Saudi, Europe, America or anywhere else in the world; who are bombing and killing innocent civilians, will end up in Hellfire.

They are the enemies of The Creator; they are the enemies of Humanity.

They don’t represent the religion of Al-Islam.

isis I

What they are doing is closely related to the behaviour of the ancient people of the past; who rejected the Messengers and Prophets of The Creator.

The disobedient people who rejected Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammed.

The leadership in Saudi and the members of ISIL are the evildoers but they don’t comprehend that they are.

They claim that their study of the life history and sayings of the noble Prophet Muhammed, gives them the authority for what they are doing.

Although it is well known, that many of the things claimed to be said or done by the Prophet were fabricated during the centuries after his death.

They are not following the example of the kind-hearted, and compassionate, Prophet Muhammed.

Nothing in these fanatics behaviour is remotely close to the example of the prophet’s behaviour.

The main enemy of the Saudis and ISIL are Shiite Muslims.

The presence of ISIL is mainly in the countries with a large Shiite population.

Counties like Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen.

You hardly ever hear of terrorist incidents in countries where the majority of the Muslims are Sunnis.

They are against Shiites more than they are against anyone else.

Their hatred have been fueled and funded by powerful so called Sunni nations in the regions.

Primarily Saudi Arabia.

The Al Saud family have an intense hatred for all Shiites.

The Al Saud family have been doing everything they can to undermine all Shiites; since the Shah was forced out of Iran during the 1970s.

They were the primary instigator and promoter of the war between Iraq and Iran during the 1980s

For many years Saudi and other so-called Sunni countries in the region, have been publishing books in many different languages.

These books are then distributed world-wide to Muslim communities, to stir up hatred against Muslims who are Shiites.

They have used their wealth and so called Islamic knowledge to persuade poor Muslim communities around the world to adopt their fanatical ideas about Al-Islam.


The religion of Al-Islam is not to be associated with those cruel, heartless, savages going around cutting off peoples’ heads.

And those who murder people in their Consulates; like Jamal Khashoggi was murdered.

To say that ISIL is a Muslim group is just like saying the Ku Klux Klan is a good Christian group.

Although many Christian leaders in the past welcomed the KKK and preached that they were good Christians.


The KKK (originally called the Red Shirts) was formed after the American Civil War, with the sole intention of terrorising and killing the newly freed African American slaves.

These racist terrorist were against the economic, political, and educational progress; of the recently freed African Americans.

This is what Wikipedia says about their beginning:

“The Red Shirts or Redshirts of the Southern United States were white supremacist terrorist groups that were active in the late 19th century after the end of the Reconstruction era of the United States.

They first appeared in Mississippi in 1875, when Democratic Party private terror units adopted red shirts to make themselves more visible and threatening to Southern Republicans, both white and freedmen. Similar groups in other states also adopted red shirts.

Among the most prominent Red Shirts were the supporters of Democratic Party candidate Wade Hampton during the campaigns for the South Carolina gubernatorial elections of 1876 and 1878.

The Red Shirts were one of several paramilitary organizations, such as the White League in Louisiana, arising in the continuing efforts of white Democrats to regain political power in the South in the 1870s.

While sometimes engaging in violence, the Red Shirts, the White League and similar groups in the late nineteenth century worked openly and were better organized than the secret vigilante groups such as the Ku Klux Klan.

They had one goal: the restoration of the Democrats to power by getting rid of Republicans, which usually meant repressing civil rights and voting by the freedmen (newly freed slaves).”

(End of Wikipedia quote) 

The rallying cry of the Red Shirts and later the KKK was “put the niggers back in their place.

That is why racists in America now wear a red hat.

The red symbolises the same aims as the Redshirts in the past.

red maga hat

kkk red card

Which means to keep African Americans ignorant (inferior education), and don’t allow them to become prosperous (no businesses established).

Keep them depended on us for their economic livelihood.

That is also the hidden message of ‘make America great again.’

That is what it means to the majority of Donald Trump’s supporters.

Make things they way they were in the past. With the Caucasian race dominant in everything.

To them it means that only Caucasians should be in the leadership of the government.

That is why Trump’s cabinet is exclusively mostly Caucasian.

With one token Negro and one token Asian

Trump mostly Caucasian cabinet

They want all African Americans to be permanent second class citizens.

They believe that there should only be one religion in America; and that religion is Christianity.

And that no one should speak any language in public except English.

Flag and n........

That is exactly what ISIL is trying to accomplish. They want to dominate the thinking of every Muslims, all over the world.


Many Americans want to lump fanatics who call themselves Muslims with all Muslims.

But, they don’t believe it is fair to lump all Caucasian Christians with the KKK.

Although in the past many American Christian were supporters of the KKK.

Historically, no prominent Caucasian American (president, senator, governor etc.) have ever condemned the activities of the KKK.

An anti-lynching law was NEVER passed by the United States of America (USA) government.

As long as the terrorist acts of the KKK were mainly directed towards African Americans; then the Caucasian leadership of the government of the USA was not too concerned.

With President Trump’s saying that there are good Nazis and good Caucasian nationalists in our country; it seems to be going that way again.

get up


So to those people who say that posting on FB anything from the Holy Qur’an is a recruitment for ISIL;  I say this to them:

There are too many people in this world, whose souls are so diseased, that any mention of Al-Islam or Muslims to them is terrorist related.

They want to convince everyone in the world that everything about Al-Islam and Muslims is bad.

They have made it their mission in life to denigrate Islam.

There is nothing that any decent minded Human Being can do to change their hearts.

They will have to answer to the All-Mighty Creator for the evil and hatred that they have cultivated within their own souls.

What they are doing is no different than what the people who opposed Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammed and all the other Prophets did.

Disbelievers in the Master-Creator in every era historically, are the same.

Their souls are diseased and so the All-Mighty increases their disease.

The Truth from The Creator drives them mad with hatred and rage.

The secret manipulators of these ungodly rejectors, want the followers of ALL religions to be hypocrites to their various Faith groups.

They don’t mind if the followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam continue to claim to be religious.

While being hypocritical to the teachings of their different faiths.

As long as they continue to commit fornication, adultery, drink alcohol, eat pork, approve of same sex marriages, take drugs, kill babies in the wombs of their mothers etc.; then they will be fully accepted by the ungodly.

The easily understood Truth in the Qur’an is a threat to their plans to turn mankind away from true devotion to their Creator.

Many years ago when I was on active duty in the US military; I was station on an island in the Pacific that had bases and stations of all branches of the US military.

I paid for ad about the Qur’an, in a magazine that was distributed free on all the bases.

These hateful people tried to stop the magazine’s editor from posting my ad with Qur’anic verses.

The editor, rejected their threats against him (that they would stop distribution of the magazine on the military bases) and told the military brass, that I had the right to buy ad space for anything I wanted.

Even now, there are still many publications that refuse to allow Muslims to purchase ads that display the verses of the Holy Qur’an.

Recently a military commander (of African descent) of a US Air Force base (in Florida), told the advertisement person of the base newspaper not to allow the postings of ‘Verses from the Holy Qur’an’. 

So these devilish minded people will continue to try and oppose any mention of good things about Muslims or anything from the Qur’an.

As the All-Mighty Creator said to those (who oppose HIS Truth) in a Qur’anic verses: “Die in your rage (against the Truth)!”

*As al-Shām is a region often compared with the Levant or Greater Syria, the group’s name has been variously translated as “Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham”, “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria” (both abbreviated as ISIS), or “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant” (abbreviated as ISIL)

Additional readings:

The Sad State of the Muslim World



What is the real message of, Make America Great Again



Why are there so many angry, and hateful Caucasians, living in our country?

The decline of the symbols of Caucasian supremacy, may be the reason why.


Read the autobiography of my first 13 years living in Cleveland, Ohio, after leaving Jamaica. Then I served over 23 years in the United States Air Force.

Old Confessions cover

This is the story of one man’s journey to self-discovery.

This is a review of this book by a customer on Amazon UK:

“I thought this was a very good book. It is about a Jamaican who went to the USA, when he was 12 years old.

The books is about his experience of low-self esteem, and feelings of inferiority; from being in a country where the majority of people were Caucasians.

It tells about him joining the Nation of Islam, under the leadership of the Honourable Elijah Muhammad, 5 years after leaving Jamaica.

Then how he came to realise that what he was taught in the Nation of Islam; was not true Islam.

My wife also though it was a good book. However she said that the author should not have gone into so much intimate details, about his sexual encounters.”





One Response to “*ISIL (ISIS) was created to murder and terrorise Shiites in Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Yemen”

  1. chiniquy March 22, 2016 at 6:49 pm #

    Reblogged this on chiniquy and commented:

    “ISIL (ISIS) and their fanatical supporters in Europe, America or anywhere else in the world; who are bombing and shooting innocent civilians, will end up in Hell-fire.

    They are the enemies of Humanity.

    They don’t represent the religion of Al-Islam.”

    (Click below to see the complete article)

    *ISIL (ISIS) was created to murder and terrorise Shiites in Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Yemen


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